Parse Trees

Dear Computer

Chapter 1: Programming Language

Parse Trees

You can also prove that a grammar begets a program by drawing a parse tree, which is a tree diagram that shows how non-terminals are expanded. The root of the tree is the starting non-terminal. Its children are the terms of one of its productions. The tree recursively expands until no non-terminals remain, leaving terminals at the leaf nodes.

Recall this grammar for composing boolean expressions:

or   = or || and
     | and
and  = and && atom
     | atom
atom = TRUE
     | FALSE
or   = or || and
     | and
and  = and && atom
     | atom
atom = TRUE
     | FALSE

Explore how a parse tree is built for expression TRUE && FALSE || TRUE using this grammar:

Derivations have leftmost and rightmost forms. Parse trees do not. A single tree effectively expands all non-terminals at a particular level in parallel.

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