Lecture: Programming Language

Dear Computer

Chapter 1: Programming Language

Lecture: Programming Language

Dear students:

Welcome to CS 430: Programming Languages. I have two primary computing interests: computer graphics and programming languages. They don't necessarily go together, but I like them both and I try to find ways to unite them so I can think about both of them.

I'm Chris, and you can call me Chris. Or Dr. Chris. Or Dr. Johnson. I'm still kind of new to this department and this part of the country. My family fled the Midwest because of the cold and other reasons that we can talk about some time. When I say family, I'm referring to my wife and four sons. I'll show you a picture so you know that you aren't the only thing I've got going on in my life.

Course Structure

My aim is for our weekly schedule to be predictable. On Tuesdays, we'll have lecture. I will talk. I will try to get you to talk. We'll write a fair bit of code together. On Thursdays we'll have a lab. Some labs will be on paper, some on a computer. If you have a laptop, bring it on Thursdays. Bringing a laptop on Tuesdays isn't a bad idea too, as we'll occasionally do short exercises together. However, please understand that we do our worst thinking at the computer and they eroding our ability to do focused think. I'm not very present when there's a soul-sucking screen on around me. Be present, and make it easy for others to be present.

The textbook for our is course is one that I am working on. I have chosen to write it not because I think I can do it better than others. I have other reasons: so that I myself can better understand the material, so that I can give it to you for free, so that I can distill the book down to the material that we'll actually cover, so that I can integrate exercises directly into the reasons, and so that I can improve the writing and the exercises semester after semester. The book is a work-in-progress, and I welcome your constructive criticism and error reports.

Each week will look something like this: read → front quiz → lecture → middle quiz → lab. Readings will generally be assigned on Thursdays. You will take a front quiz that accompanies the reading, all before Tuesday's lecture. If you like your score, you can keep it. If not, you can take a middle quiz and replace it. You don't have as much time for that one; it's due before Thursday. Then on Thursday you'll work on a lab exercise in teams. These labs will generally be due by Monday noon. I will grade them almost immediately and move on with my life. I will not accept late labs. Please don't contribute to the unsustainability of my profession. Your late work hurts you, me, and the other people I am here to serve. The quizzes aren't timed because I want to eliminate panic where I can.

We'll be discussing three languages throughout the semester: Ruby, Haskell, and Rust. They are chosen for their differences from what what you are used to. For each of them, we will have a programming exam.

I have long avoided taking attendance because it made me feel like a high school teacher. But I don't feel like things have been going well the past few years as our focus and commitment degrades. If I don't expect attendance, our whole mission seems sort of pointless. We're here to talk to each other about programming languages. So, while I'm not going to waste my time on attendance itself, I am going to assign in-class exercises each time we meet, both Tuesdays and Thursdays. These will be short and related to the course topics. Your participation will count toward your grade. If you complete the exercise correctly, you'll get four points.

We'll try one of these exercises on this first day. In the first round, you do not talk but think quietly to yourself. Once all have answered, you'll briefly confer with your neighbors. Then you'll answer again.

For programming assignments, we will have a single project with four milestones. You will build a spreadsheet application that runs in the terminal. Users will be able to write code in a cell just like in Excel or Google Sheets.

I push due dates right up to the point at which I'm going to start grading. There won't be extensions. I have a job that does not end and easily destroys relationships and physical and mental health. If you find that you don't have enough time to complete something, please just accept the very appropriate consequence of not receiving credit.

The four project milestones will not have exact due dates. Instead I have scheduled six ready dates. These are dates at which you may turn in your work for a milestone. You will get credit if you've met all the requirements of the milestone. If you don't, then you can roll over to the next ready date. This is my scheme for accommodating emergencies, illness, breakups, breakdowns, and other trying times. I do not otherwise grant extensions because I'm a finite being.

You will turn in all your work on GitHub using a repository that I have made for you. I need to get you access to that repository. Also, we will use Discord for all communication. Please do not use email. If you send me an email, I will passive-aggressively wait one day before responding, and then my response will be, “Please ask on Discord.” Email is terrible because I cannot easily revisit the history of our conversation and because the university floods us with noise. Emoji is also easier on Discord.

Let's take a moment right now to make sure I have your GitHub and Discord usernames. Find the link on Canvas and submit these to me. Make accounts if you need to.

Language to Language

In this class, we approach our subject from two directions: we implement a programming language and we study several different mainstream languages. In implementing a language, we'll see how humans make choices about the programming experience. You may develop some empathy for the folks who wrote those error messages. In studying several languages, we'll see how many different choices there are and how our options can't be ranked in a simple manner from right to wrong. Each option has a tradeoff. Making some computation easy, fast, or safe generally makes something other computation hard, slow, or dangerous.

Today we begin work on both of these fronts. We're going to start implementing an interpreter for Vex, a little language for manipulating vectors. The computer doesn't know Vex. Our job as language designers is to translate the language it doesn't know into a language it does know. For now, our target language is Ruby, the first language we will discuss. The computer does know Ruby because someone taught it how to translate Ruby into machine code.

What we talk about today is meant to mirror some of what you will need to do for milestone 1 in the spreadsheet project. You should take copious notes. Translating a program, and we'll spend several lectures talking about it.

Abstract Syntax Tree

Language tools first translate a program from an unknown language into a tree in a known language. Specifically an abstract syntax tree (AST). We'll draw a tree for this Vex program:

p = [1, -1]
q = [4, 3]
s = p + q * 2
p = [1, -1]
q = [4, 3]
s = p + q * 2

An AST is syntactic in the sense that represents the structure of the original program—before anything has been evaluated. It is abstract in the sense that not every single syntactic detail is represented. For instance, an AST likely doesn't track the location of whitespace, semi-colons, or parentheses.

A tree is made of nodes. In an object-oriented language, each node is an instance of a class in a hierarchy of program anatomy. From this tree, I see the following node types:

These classes form the model of the interpreted program. We will implement them in Ruby. Here's how we might implement Integer:

class Integer
  def initialize(raw_value)
    @raw_value = raw_value

x = Integer.new(2)
class Integer
  def initialize(raw_value)
    @raw_value = raw_value

x = Integer.new(2)

We get an error message when we try to run this code, one that doesn't help us fix the problem. The issue is that Ruby has its own Integer class, but it doesn't allow us to introduce our own constructor. The fix is to put our node classes inside their own namespace, which is called a module in Ruby:

module Ast
  class Integer
    def initialize(raw_value)
      @raw_value = raw_value

node = Ast::Integer.new(2)
module Ast
  class Integer
    def initialize(raw_value)
      @raw_value = raw_value

node = Ast::Integer.new(2)

This program makes a node. Let's try printing it:

puts node
puts node

The output is not helpful. If we call inspect on the node, we'll get a debugging form of the object:

puts node.inspect
puts node.inspect

In fact, we might want to write a function that printed a debugging view of an object automatically. Something like this:

def debug(o)
  puts o.inspect
def debug(o)
  puts o.inspect

But this function has already been written. It's called p.

The nodes of our tree can be categorized in several different ways. Nodes that aren't built out of other nodes are primitives. Nodes that yield a value consumed by other nodes are expressions. Primitives are expressions, but so are the arithmetic operations. Nodes that don't yield a value but do achieve some effect—like printing or assigning memory—are statements. Thinking about these terms will help us implement the rest of our model classes.

In the end, we'll have a tree representation of our program. But there are two disappointments we might feel: making the tree by hand is tedious, and we can't execute the tree. We'll fix both of those problems in the next few lectures.

Note on AI

Let's take a quick moment to discuss AI. It has some benefits: it can eliminate drudgery, it can give you ideas, and it has entered the lexicon of modern society. Knowing something about it is like knowing about Minecraft and Beyoncé. You can participate in more conversations. However, it also has costs. Not just the environmental ones, but also the opportunity ones. You are in school to develop yourself, not produce right answers. The exercises we complete in this class are designed for you to learn, and you will lose that opportunity if you head to an AI agent to get an answer. I view challenges like my children. I had them because I want to raise them. I don't hand them off to some “expert”.

The exams we complete in this course will be completed in-class through the LockDown browser. In the past I allowed folks to use any browser and IDE but not AI. They used AI anyway, and they ruined it for everyone else.

Here's my advice. Own your work. View exercises as training. Don't rob yourself of the opportunity to think. If stuff's hard, that means you haven't visited office hours enough. Use AI only after you've learned enough to identify when it's wrong.


Here's your list of things to do before we meet next:

Send your GitHub and Discord usernames to me via the Canvas widgets if you didn't do this during class.
Read through the syllabus.
Work through Managing Your Repository and Installing Ruby in Dear Computer.
Start learning Ruby through YouTube or a book. You should not expect the lectures and lab to make you fluent in the language.

See you next time, when we start looking at how to represent a program written in a language we don't know in a language that we do know.


P.S. It's time for a haiku!

She's French but I'm not There we were on our big day When she said "Adieu"
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