Lecture: Graphing Calculator
Dear students:
Today we explore objects in Ruby by writing a graphing calculator. We'll also visit the Curses library that you'll use in milestone 3 to make a terminal-based user interface for your spreadsheet. You'll use Curses to draw lines and text at arbitrary places in the terminal window. The library was written in a time where object-oriented programming didn't rule the land, so it will feel strange. I think it's worth navigating together.
The reason we use it is that it doesn't take over control of your program like a modern graphical user interface does. GUIs like Swing, React, and Qt are amazing, but they're also domineering. With Curses, our program is still ours. Curses is not as “helpful”, which I think is valuable when you are learning.
Let's build a graphing calculator in the terminal, which I admit is a strange move. Here's a start that imports the curses
library (installed via gem
), clears the screen, and waits for the user to press a key:
require 'curses'
require 'curses' Curses::init_screen Curses::getch
There are several reasons to use classes when developing software. The most basic reason is that they are an organizational tool. They put related data and code together and hide its complexity behind a simpler interface.
For the graphing calculator, we know we're going to have a collection of functions and some code to draw them and some axes, so we reflexively create a class:
class Grapher
def initialize
# initialize state
def add_function(function)
def render_axes
def render_functions
def render
class Grapher def initialize # initialize state end def add_function(function) # TODO end def render_axes # TODO end def render_functions # TODO end def render render_axes render_functions end end
Let's move the Curses initialization into the constructor:
class Grapher
def initialize
def render
# ...
# ...
grapher = Grapher.new
class Grapher def initialize Curses::init_screen end def render # ... Curses::getch end # ... end grapher = Grapher.new grapher.render
An instance of Grapher
maintains a list of functions that are to be plotted, so we also add some state for that collection:
class Grapher
def initialize
# ...
@functions = []
def add_function(function)
# ...
class Grapher def initialize # ... @functions = [] end def add_function(function) @functions.push(function) end # ... end
Because Ruby is dynamically typed, we don't need an interface or abstract supertype before we can write this polymorphic method. No typechecking is going to be performed. If we pass something that isn't function-like to add_function
, we'll find out when we execute the program.
Curses lets me treat the terminal as an image. We can move the cursor to any “pixel” and plot a character. With normal stdout, printing flows strictly rightward and downward. Curses gives us random access. By default, my canvas is the entire terminal window. But we can also subdivide it into smaller regions using the Window
Let's make two windows. One will be the graph itself, which will take up most of the screen. The other is a one-line message window. We need this second window because debugging a Curses program is really hard. Printing debug messages to stdout doesn't work when Curses is controlling the display.
To determine the sizes of the two windows, we need to know the size of the terminal window. The original Curses library, written in C, has a function getyxmax
that writes into the parameters we give it. The Ruby gem we are using has methods lines
and cols
. We query the dimensions in the constructor after Curses has been initialized:
def initialize
# ...
height = Curses::lines
width = Curses::cols
def initialize # ... height = Curses::lines width = Curses::cols end
Observe that we don't make the dimensions instance variables. We only need them temporarily to make a couple of windows, like so:
def initialize
# ...
@message_window = Curses::Window.new(1, width, height - 1, 0)
@graph_window = Curses::Window.new(height - 1, width, 0, 0)
def initialize # ... @message_window = Curses::Window.new(1, width, height - 1, 0) @graph_window = Curses::Window.new(height - 1, width, 0, 0) end
The parameters describe the dimensions of the windows, and their order is awkward. It's height, width, top, left. The origin of the Curses drawing system is at the top-left corner.
Curses programs can be difficult to debug because we can't print to stdout. Let's add a message
function that draws a string into the message window. The addstr
function draws a sequence of characters starting at the current position:
def message(text)
@message_window.setpos(0, 0)
def message(text) @message_window.setpos(0, 0) @message_window.addstr(text) end
We add this welcome message in the constructor:
def initialize
# ...
message("Welcome to Terminally!")
def initialize # ... message("Welcome to Terminally!") end
There's one hiccup. The text doesn't show up. That's because Curses maintains a data structure holding the screen contents. That data structure gets updated by addch
and addstr
, but it doesn't get automatically flushed to the terminal window. We call refresh
when we're ready to update the screen:
def message(text)
@message_window.setpos(0, 0)
def message(text) @message_window.setpos(0, 0) @message_window.addstr(text) @message_window.refresh end
A call to a window's getch
implicitly refreshes the window. We aren't expecting a character in the message window, so we need an explicit call.
Drawing Axes
To draw single characters on the terminal, we use setpos
to position the cursor and addch
to draw a character at the current position. To draw the axes, we iterate through the coordinates of the middle column and middle row of the graph window:
def render_axes
width = @graph_window.maxx
height = @graph_window.maxy
(0...width).each do |x|
@graph_window.setpos(height / 2, x)
(0...height).each do |y|
@graph_window.setpos(y, width / 2)
@graph_window.setpos(height / 2, width / 2)
def render_axes width = @graph_window.maxx height = @graph_window.maxy (0...width).each do |x| @graph_window.setpos(height / 2, x) @graph_window.addch('-') end (0...height).each do |y| @graph_window.setpos(y, width / 2) @graph_window.addch('|') end @graph_window.setpos(height / 2, width / 2) @graph_window.addch('+') end
The y-coordinate comes first in any Curses functions that expect coordinates.
Using hyphens, pipes, and a plus sign to draw the axes feels like a surrender to expedience. Those characters don't connect to form solid lines. In the C Curses library, there are some special constants defined for border characters. Ruby's Curses gem doesn't define them. However, Unicode includes its own set. We should use those characters. These calls do the trick:
@graph_window.addstr("\u2500") # -
@graph_window.addstr("\u2502") # |
@graph_window.addstr("\u253c") # +
@graph_window.addstr("\u2500") # - @graph_window.addstr("\u2502") # | @graph_window.addstr("\u253c") # +
We must use addstr
instead of addch
for these to work.
We can't write render_functions
until we know more about functions. All functions have a common interface: feed them an x-value and they give back the corresponding y-value. But let's define several abstractions to represent the simplest function families. Here's how we might model a linear function:
class LinearFunction
def initialize(slope, y_intercept)
@slope = slope
@y_intercept = y_intercept
def evaluate(x)
return @slope * x + @y_intercept
class LinearFunction def initialize(slope, y_intercept) @slope = slope @y_intercept = y_intercept end def evaluate(x) return @slope * x + @y_intercept end end
And here's how we might model a quadratic function:
class QuadraticFunction
def initialize(a, b, c)
@a = a
@b = b
@c = c
def evaluate(x)
return @a * x * x + @b * x + @c
class QuadraticFunction def initialize(a, b, c) @a = a @b = b @c = c end def evaluate(x) return @a * x * x + @b * x + @c end end
If this were Java or C++, we would write an abstract Function
class or interface. Then we'd write polymorphic code that deals with functions all across the hierarchy. New function families could be invented, perhaps by my grandchildren, and the polymorphic code would be able to work with them just as well.
In Ruby, we don't need a supertype in order to operate at an abstract, polymorphic level. As long as all functions have an evaluate
method, the graphing calculator will be able to plot them. Here we load up a Grapher
with two functions:
grapher.add_function(LinearFunction.new(1, 2))
grapher.add_function(QuadraticFunction.new(0.01, 0, 0))
grapher.add_function(LinearFunction.new(1, 2)) grapher.add_function(QuadraticFunction.new(0.01, 0, 0))
Drawing Functions
The last step is implementing render_functions
. It iterates through the list of functions. For each function, it iterates through all the possible x-values in the display and finds their corresponding y-value. We convert the xy-coordinates to the coordinate system used by Curses and plot a character if that position is on screen:
def render_functions
width = @graph_window.maxx
height = @graph_window.maxy
@functions.each do |function|
(0...width).each do |column|
x = column - width / 2
y = function.evaluate(x)
row = (-y + height / 2).round
if row >= 0 && row < height && column >= 0 && column < width
@graph_window.setpos(row, column)
def render_functions width = @graph_window.maxx height = @graph_window.maxy @functions.each do |function| (0...width).each do |column| x = column - width / 2 y = function.evaluate(x) row = (-y + height / 2).round if row >= 0 && row < height && column >= 0 && column < width @graph_window.setpos(row, column) @graph_window.addstr("\u25cf") end end end end
This code is extensible. We're not asking each function what type it is. Thanks, polymorphism.
Since all our functions have the same interface, we can employ another polymorphic trick: model a Derivative
function. The derivative gives the slope of its host function, which we can approximate by sampling around x
. This class approximates the derivative of any function:
class Derivative
def initialize(f)
@f = f
def evaluate(x)
delta = 0.01
rise = @f.evaluate(x + delta) - @f.evaluate(x - delta)
run = 2 * delta
rise / run
class Derivative def initialize(f) @f = f end def evaluate(x) delta = 0.01 rise = @f.evaluate(x + delta) - @f.evaluate(x - delta) run = 2 * delta rise / run end end
Thanks to polymorphism, we don't need a special LinearDerivative
or QuadraticDerivative
The graph would be easier to read if each function was plotted in a different color. We enable colors and create a few color pairs with this code right after the call to init_screen
Curses::init_pair(1, Curses::COLOR_MAGENTA, Curses::COLOR_BLACK)
Curses::init_pair(2, Curses::COLOR_CYAN, Curses::COLOR_BLACK)
Curses::init_pair(3, Curses::COLOR_YELLOW, Curses::COLOR_BLACK)
Curses::start_color Curses::init_pair(1, Curses::COLOR_MAGENTA, Curses::COLOR_BLACK) Curses::init_pair(2, Curses::COLOR_CYAN, Curses::COLOR_BLACK) Curses::init_pair(3, Curses::COLOR_YELLOW, Curses::COLOR_BLACK)
Then we need to draw each function in a different color. We only have three colors but possibly many more functions, so let's cycle through those three colors using the %
operator. We use each_with_index
in render_functions
to give the block an index parameter. We map this number of the color pair ID:
def render_functions(width, height)
@functions.each_with_index do |function, i|
color_id = i % 3 + 1
# ...
def render_functions(width, height) @functions.each_with_index do |function, i| color_id = i % 3 + 1 @graph_window.attron(Curses::color_pair(color_id)) # ... @graph_window.attroff(Curses::color_pair(color_id)) end end
Finally, let's detect a mouse click. First we hide the cursor and enable mouse events:
def initialize
# Hide the cursor.
# Enable left-click mouse events.
# ...
# Have Curses process special keys (and mouse) so that getch can
# process them.
def initialize # Hide the cursor. Curses::curs_set(0) # Enable left-click mouse events. Curses::mousemask(Curses::BUTTON1_CLICKED) # ... # Have Curses process special keys (and mouse) so that getch can # process them. @graph_window.keypad(true) end
Then we add a full-fledged event loop that shows the coordinates of the mouse click in the top-left corner of the window:
def event_loop
loop do
command = @graph_window.getch
if command == 'q'
elsif command == Curses::KEY_MOUSE
event = Curses::getmouse
column = event.x - @graph_window.maxx / 2
message("#{column},#{-(event.y - @graph_window.maxy / 2)}")
def event_loop loop do render command = @graph_window.getch if command == 'q' break elsif command == Curses::KEY_MOUSE event = Curses::getmouse column = event.x - @graph_window.maxx / 2 message("#{column},#{-(event.y - @graph_window.maxy / 2)}") end @graph_window.refresh end end
We'll need to remove the getch
call in render
to avoid skipping every other event.
Here's your list of things to do before we meet next:
See you next time.
P.S. It's time for a haiku!
is too long
We wanted to shorten it
But meth was taken