Lab: Scope and Ruby

Dear Computer

Chapter 2: Naming Things

Lab: Scope and Ruby

In today's lab, you'll explore dynamic and static scoping and solve a Ruby coding challenge that hits on namespaces and hashes.


Consider the following program in a C-like language that allows nested procedures:

void main() {
  int z = 10;
  void g() {
    int x = 12;
    int y = 3;            // line A

    void f() {
      z = x * y;
      printLine(x, y, z); // line B

    void h() {
      int y = 2;
      int z = 5;          // line C
      x = y + z;
      printLine(x, y, z)

    printLine(x, y, z);
  g();                    // line D
void main() {
  int z = 10;
  void g() {
    int x = 12;
    int y = 3;            // line A

    void f() {
      z = x * y;
      printLine(x, y, z); // line B

    void h() {
      int y = 2;
      int z = 5;          // line C
      x = y + z;
      printLine(x, y, z)

    printLine(x, y, z);
  g();                    // line D

In a moment you will answer some questions about scope. Keep these points in mind as you think about this code:

Answer the following questions:

  1. If this language has static scoping, what is the environment that is in scope immediately after line A finishes executing? Qualify the variables by their owner. For example, if a function sees the z variable declared in h, write h::z. List only the variables that are visible; not all of them are always visible.
  2. After line B finishes?
  3. After line C finishes?
  4. After line D finishes?
  5. What is the output of this program if the language has static scoping?
  6. If this language has dynamic scoping, what is the environment that is in scope after line A finishes?
  7. After line B finishes?
  8. After line C finishes?
  9. After line D finishes?
  10. What is the output of this program if the language has dynamic scoping?


Write two Ruby source files: html.rb and main.rb. You are encouraged to place the code you write for lab in your official GitHub repository for this course—in a folder separate from your project.

In html.rb, define a module named Html with a function named make_tag. Make it static using self. Have it accept these three parameters:

It returns an HTML tag as a string. Form the string as demonstrated in these example calls:

In main.rb, include your module file with require_relative, call your function several times to test it, and print the resulting tag each time. Ensure that your solution works for any tag, attribute hash, and tag format—and not just the examples.

Do not use include or extends or any other command for importing Ruby modules that you might read about on the web. Modules are used to achieve several different ends in Ruby. The include and extends commands are ways of making a class inherit code from a module, which is not what you want. All you want is to call a method defined in a namespace.


To receive credit for this lab, you must submit your two Ruby source files and a digital version of your answers to the scoping problems on Canvas by Monday noon. Late labs or forgot-to-submits are not accepted because Monday at noon is when your instructor has time to grade.

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