Spring 2023 Ruby Exam

Problem 1

Write method sum_tween to accept three parameters: an array of numbers, a lower bound, and an upper bound. It returns the sum of the numbers between the inclusive bounds. For example, sum_tween([1, -5, 8, 9, 20], 8, 10) → 17.

Do not use a loop or each statement.

Problem 2

Write a class UndoValue that represents a value that changes over time and can be reverted to an earlier state. It has the following public methods:

Problem 3

Write a method count_words that accepts a string of words separated by single spaces. It counts how many times each word appears, and returns the counts in a hash keyed on the words. For example, count_words("i had had enough"){"i" => 1, "had" => 2, "enough" => 1}.

Do not use a loop or each statement.

Problem 4

Write method neighbors3 that accepts an array and an index. It returns a comma-separated string of the three values nearest to the index. If values are cut off from the beginning or end, an ellipsis appears in their place. For example:

Assume that the array has at least three elements.

Problem 5

Write a class Person that has a constructor that accepts a first name and a last name. It has getters first and last. It also has a method username that generates a username, which is the person's last name followed by their first initial, all in lowercase.

Write also a top-level method read_people that accepts the path to a file as its only parameter. Inside the file is text of this form:


The number of lines in the file is arbitrary. The method reads in the file and returns an array of Person.

Write also a top-level method read_usernames that accepts the path to a file of the same format described earlier. It returns an array of the people's usernames.

Problem 6

Write a method wordgrid that accepts an array of strings, all of the same length. It prints to standard output the letters in the cells of a grid surrounded by lines made of hyphens and pipes. For example, wordgrid(['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl']) displays this output:
