Spring 2024 Haskell Exam

Problem 1

Write pure function pick that accepts a predicate, a first value, a second value, and a list. It applies the predicate to each element of the list. Those elements for which the predicate is true are replaced by the first value. The others are replaced by the second value. It returns the list of replacements. For example:

> pick even "even" "odd" [1..5]
["odd", "even", "odd", "even", "odd"]
> pick isDigit '0' '_' "June 14, 2003" 

Problem 2

Write pure function linebreak that accepts an Int width and a word as a String. It breaks the word into lines of width characters. Each line ends in a linefeed character (\n). For example:

> linebreak 3 "flower"
> putStr $ linebreak 3 "flower"
> linebreak 2 "petal"
> putStr $ linebreak 2 "petal"

Recursion and list processing functions are useful here.

Write also pure function linebreakAll that accepts a width and a list of words. It breaks all the words into lines.

Problem 3

Write a main function that prints the strings provided as command-line arguments in a stair pattern, with one word picking up where the previous left off. For example:

$ runhaskell stairs.hs burnt swim canary glimmer yarn

A recursive helper function and replicate are useful here.

Problem 4

Model a family of expressions with a data type named Expression. Have the compiler generate a show function, and give it the following constructors:

Define also a compute function that accepts an Expression and evaluates it to an Int, as demonstrated in these calls:

> compute $ Literal 12
> compute $ Add (Literal 12) (Literal 14)
> compute $ Mod (Literal 27) (Literal 5)
> compute $ Increment $ Increment $ Literal 6

Problem 5

There are two common sequences that we all learn about: arithmetic sequences and geometric sequences. Arithmetic sequences are defined by a starting number and an additive offset. The sequence \([2, 6, 10, 14, 18, \ldots]\) starts at 2 and has an offset of 4. Geometric sequences are defined by a starting number and a multiplicative ratio. The sequence \([3, 6, 12, 24, 48, \ldots]\) starts at 3 and has a ratio of 2.

Define a type Arithmetic with a single constructor that accepts the sequence's start and offset, both as Integer. Define also a type Geometric with a single constructor that accepts the sequence's start and ratio, both as Integer. Have the compiler generate a show function for each type.

We'd like a uniform way of asking these sequences for their \(i^\mathrm{th}\) term. Define a typeclass named Sequence that imposes a pure function named ith. Given a sequence and i as parameters, it returns term i of the sequence as an Integer. Make Arithmetic and Geometric instances of this typeclass. Then we can make calls like these:

> ith (Arithmetic 2 4) 0
> ith (Arithmetic 2 4) 1
> ith (Geometric 3 2) 4

Problem 6

Write a main that reads in a dictionary and displays it in a friendlier form. The path to the dictionary file is passed as a command-line argument. Each pair of lines in the file is a word and its definition. For example, the file may have these three definitions:

a machine that walks or talks
skill developed when no one's looking
when you throw away half the data

The program outputs this more readable and sorted representation for this dictionary:

politics: when you throw away half the data
robot: a machine that walks or talks
talent: skill developed when no one's looking

The entries are sorted only on the term, not on the definition. The sort function from Data.List and the chunksOf function from Data.List.Split are useful here.