Fall 2022 Haskell Exam

Problem 1

Write a main function that accepts two command-line arguments and prints them with an arrow pointing from the first to the second. For example, if you run your program with runhaskell main.hs caterpillar butterfly, it produces this output:

caterpillar -> butterfly
caterpillar -> butterfly

Problem 2

Write function prettyTime that accepts a total number of seconds as an Int. It returns a more readable String that chunks the total into hours, minutes, and seconds. For example, prettyTime 18099 yields "5 hours, 1 minute, 39 seconds".

Problem 3

Write function runts that accepts a list of pairs of lists. It returns a list of the smaller lists of each pair. In the case of a tie, the first component is chosen as the runt. For example, runts [("no", "yes"), ("madrugada", "nariz")] yields ["no", "nariz"].

Problem 4

Write function dilate that accepts a list of Int. It returns a pair of lists in which the first component is the list of negatives and the second component is the list of positives. However, all numbers have been incremented or decremented away from zero. For example, dilate [3, -6, 0, 1] yields ([-7], [4, 2]).

Problem 5

Write a main function that reads in a file whose path is passed as a command-line argument. It prints two lines of output. The first is the number of zeroes found in the file. The second is the number of ones.

Problem 6

Define a Rectangle data type with two variants. Square holds a side length. Oblong holds a width and height. All fields are Int values. Make Rectangle implement the Show typeclass. Define also a function area that accepts a Rectangle parameter and returns its area.